Monday, June 29, 2009

What Would You Give?

Detroit, Ohio
Think about the word city… What do you imagine? A thriving metropolis with life, energy and a booming commerce? Alright, now think of pretty much everything that is opposite of that and give it a name, Detroit. But! We did find a nugget of gold in this sad place, the Henry Ford Museum. Now do not let the Ford thing mislead you like it did me. This place was much more than a shrine to the automobile like I had expected. Instead it had loads of information and even very impressive artifacts from various monumental moments in American history. I was incredibly impressed by the “With Liberty and Justice for All” permanent exhibit. It hosted a variety of things including the Rosa Park’s bus, the chair Lincoln was killed in, and information about the struggles that Americans have endured for freedom.

At one point in the womens' suffrage section I took the “Could you be a Suffragist” quiz. It told me that I was a radical and ready to be put on the fronts. This quiz and the fact that I just finished the movie “The Great Debaters” made me think though. America is strong now because the battles that people have fought in the past for their rights were stronger. Would I be willingly to commit myself to a cause and fight for it like so many before me have, especially if I knew that I could face horrible repercussions for speaking out against some current policy?

I like to think that I would. In fact I would love to fight for something so passionately. In the day I would want to be the one with the signs walking down the streets, while being taunted by the disapproving crowd. Even more importantly though I would want to be the person going in front of the crowds defending my view with resilience. I would also want to write the proclamations and declarations that others would be demanding. I want to lead. Anyone on this trip can tell you that I am not very good with following. I did not enjoy being behind anyone on the hike in the Grand Canyon nor do I prefer the back seat of the 15 passenger vans that we get in each city so I am pretty certain that I would not want to be following someone else when proclaiming my beliefs… I need to find an issue to fight for. Suggestions?

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