Sunday, June 14, 2009

It is one big, grand hole?

Grand Canyon
Driving to the Grand Canyon I was not sure what to expect. Yes, I had seen the pictures and heard the tales of wonderment about it. Heck I had even watched a show about it on the Travel channel the week before leaving! I was excited. Once getting there though I felt this strange twist of awe and disappointment. I do not know it is very hard to explain… I will try, but just bear with me with it gets little scattered ;) .
The canyons were sweet and the view phenomenal but it was a very limited view. Like I look down and I see one thing, layers of soil in cool patterns. Oh okay let me try with an allegory. It was like those huge jaw breakers that you see in some stores. You see it and your pretty wowed by it. But honestly the size and just its existence are slightly perplexing. So of course you have to buy it. You start on it and you experience all these layers of colored, hardened sugar. It is yummy, but not quite as satisfying as you imagined possible before buying it. Well, that was how I felt about the Grand Canyon. It was great but still not completely wowed.

While I am not raving like crazy about this place I still feel it should be recognized for its power. I am not just talking about the physical power that helped create it. No, I mean the power that is has over people. This place is the iconic vacation destination. When you are a kid you dream of taking a trip with the fam. To see it. That is undeniable power. I think its reflects on both the simple beauty that the canyon does have and the way it has been sold to the public over many, many years. I mean after all it has a feature television show all about it. The only other specific place that immediately springs to my head that has such a thing is Disney and Mall of America.

Now both of those places have a key component that unites them and makes them greatly different from the ever famous Grand Canyon… They were created by humans, for humans. The Grand Canyon has this very significant difference. It was made by nature, the thing that bears some much more. This one detail changes this destination completely. Going here does not allow for you recognize the power and supposed unlimited genius of people and their creations. Instead it does the opposite. It lets you realize that you are small, very small. However, this realization is not done in a flaunting or judgmental way. It is just a little acknowledgment. You do not feel like you are failure as possible when you come in contact with other people or their creations. Actually, you feel (or at least I sure did) that since you are so small and have such a beautiful world to live in that you need to get your butt moving and do something for it. I mean if there is only one you and your tiny remember and one very big world that offers you a Grand Canyon at your very own feet then you should work hard to gain some sort of balance between the two.

This I think is a reason why families have made the trip to this place for so very long. I mean if you are a parent and you want your child to gain a lot in one place than the Grand Canyon is perfect! It offers lessons for sure. A few:
-power of nature
- size of the World and of people
Plus, the few other things that are not covered by this teacher can be addressed in the car on the road at the various places you will have to visit while in route!

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