Wednesday, July 8, 2009

My Dear Country

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
I try my best to be at least a semi-clean person and have a pretty good record as such. Dirtiness that is unnecessary grosses me out. So on that train of thought it would not be a big surprise to say that I did not originally find Philly to be very likable… do not lose faith though. I found my grey cloud’s silver lining before the day was out. What the city did not offer me in appearances it made up for with its people.

This evening we had dinner with some truly fantastic people. They gave me insight into the life that is attainable if I (or any other person) so decide to live it. Not through Mission Year specifically but through the simple, yet genuine giving of yourself to those who need it, especially your fellow neighbor. I think that may be the thing that is America’s glue, the gift of giving. It makes me think back the childhood book “The Giving Tree” (a classic.) I always found it to be sad but at the same time I always enjoyed it. Is the tree selfless and very giving or taken advantage of? Are Americans like that? Are they selfless or selfish? Would we be the boy or the tree? I keep debating and dang it if I don’t see the both instead either or.

I believe the take and give of the situation over all is what strengthens America and her people. Each plays a significant role. Without the need for giving or the act of giving the other could not be recognized. Society is like that, as well.
For example today we started the day at Liberty Hall. Liberty-> that one idea has impacted Americans’ throughout the ages. Without the realization that freedoms were needed no one would have given their lives to attain such. But upon gaining such freedom for the white man, Americans’ once again had to give more to get the freedoms for other races, genders, and now sexualities. You give your heart to a cause to get change. You give your heart to a community to get unity.

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